Kemco Portable Machining

Kemco Portable Machining

a division of BOS Machine Tool Services, Inc.

Remachine Your Press Brake On Site

Save TIME – Save MONEY – IMPROVE ACCURACY with Kemco Portable Machining!

With the availability of new technologies in press brake forming, the industry has advanced to high levels of productivity. Your press brakes can be upgraded to this increased level of production and you can take the first step. With Kemco’s patented milling process the ram and bed surfaces can be quickly and easily restored to like new without the expense of disassembling and shipping the machine. Your downtime is minimized which means increased productivity for you!

Over 50 Years Experience

Kemco Portable Machining was established in 1986 by Robert Kirscher as Kemco Design & Machine Company. From 1954 to 1974 Robert worked in Die Design for Dries & Krump Manufacturing Company. In 1974 he moved to Accurate Manufacturing Company as Chief Engineer where Robert was responsible for overseeing die design and testing of completed dies. This included both standard dies as well as special dies fabricated for specific forming applications.On Dec. 31, 2007 BOS Machine Tool Services, Inc. acquired the portable machining portion of the business, which will continue as Kemco Portable Machining, relocating to Hillsdale, IL.

Kemco Portable Machining offers a press brake machining service. An old press brake with worn ram and bed can be brought back to factory specifications with the Kemco patented milling process. The top of the bed is machined square and parallel to the bottom surface of the ram. The tongue slot is machined as well to allow the punch to sit squarely to the bed. For further information please e-mail us at or call us at 1-309-658-2233.


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Kemco Portable Machining
Kemco Portable Machining
Kemco Portable Machining